Prize table
Overview of wins. Details under prize.
Main prizes
Prizes by sectors
Prizes by catch
Up to 100 teams can participate in the S2H race.
The Lower Novomlýn reservoir is almost 1700 hectares, but our goal has always been to make the most prestigious race in Europe, not the biggest. Therefore, there will be no further increase in the number of starting teams at the expense of shrinking the racing sectors.
35 places are reserved for foreign teams(a foreign team is considered to be a team with at least two members from that country (in case of doubt, we will ask for a copy of your passport)
40 places are reserved for teams from the Czech Republic
10 places are for teams from Slovakia
15 places are for partners of the race
There are 100 fishing spots on the Novomlynska Lake.
The S2H race is divided into 6 sectors, each sector has about 16 fishing spots.
The results are updated automatically every 5 minutes.
8 years
Experience in fishing competitions.
50 people
The number of people who take care of the running of the championship.
29,82 kg
The heaviest fish caught in the championship.