05.10.2024 11:00 | End of the registration
05.10. 2024 17:00 – 20:00 | Sector handover
06.10.2024 14:00 | Start of the championship Stairs2Hell 2024
12.10.2024 08:00 | End of the championship Stairs2Hell 2024
07:00 | Opening of the area for the teams
07:00 | Start of the registration
11:00 | End of the registration
12:30 | Opening ceremony followed by official peg draw
14:30 | Preparation for departure (making convoys)
15:00 | Departure of the first convoy to their pegs, unloadings cars
17:00 – 20:00 | Sector handover, boat check, placing GPS locators for pegs 1 – 30 and 62 -81)
18:00 | Departure of the convoy from the dam to a parking lot
07:00 – 14:00 | sector handover, boat check, placing GPS locators for pegs 31 – 61 and 82 – 100)
14:00 | Start of the championship Stairs2Hell 2024!
08:00 | End of the championship Stairs2Hell 2023
08:30 – 09:00 | Convoy set up at parking lot
09:00 | Departure of the convoy from the central car parking
14:00 | Closing Ceremony followed by Prize Giving
Dear competitors,
We would like to offer you food delivery the same way as last Stairs2Hell. We can offer you lunch and dinner every day, 3 options per meal. One meal costs 8,50 EUR and it will be delivered straight to your peg. You can order food during registration, during which it will be necessary to pay the amount for the ordered food.
Best regards, Team Stairs2Hell
Oběd | Lunch | Mittagessen
150g Hovězí guláš, knedlík
150g Beef goulash, dumpling
150g Rindergulasch, Knödel
Večeře | Dinner | Abendessen
200g Krkovice na grilu, pepřová omáčka, opečené brambory
200g Grilled neck, pepper sauce, fried potatoes
200g Gegrillter Hals, Pfeffersauce, Ofenkartoffeln
Oběd | Lunch | Mittagessen
200g Smažený kuřecí řízek, vařené brambory, okurek
200g Fried chicken steak, boiled potatoes, cucumber
200g Gebratenes Hühnersteak, gekochte Kartoffeln, Gurke
Večeře | Dinner | Abendessen
200g Vepřový flamendr, rýže
200g Pork flameng, rice
200g Schweinefleisch Flameng, Reis
Oběd | Lunch | Mittagessen
150g Moravský vrabec, kapusta, houskový knedlík
150g Moravian sparrow, kale, bread dumplings
150g Mährischer Spatz, Kohl, Semmelknödel
Večeře | Dinner | Abendessen
150g Kotlíkový guláš s vepřovým masem, pečivo
150g Kettle goulash with pork, pastry
150g Kesselgulasch mit Schweinefleisch, Gebäck
Oběd | Lunch | Mittagessen
200g Vepřová pečeně po staročesku, sedlácké brambory
200g Roast pork, peasant potatoes
200g Schweinebraten, Baurenkartoffeln
Večeře | Dinner | Abendessen
400g Boloňské špagety, sýr
400g Spaghetti Bolognese, cheese
400g Spaghetti Bolognese, Käse
Oběd | Lunch | Mittagessen
150g Vepřová kýta na smetaně, houskový knedlík
150g Pork leg of cream, bread dumplings
150g Schweinefleisch in Sahnesauce, Knödel
Večeře | Dinner | Abendessen
400g Pečené koleno a bůček, hořčice, křen, chléb
400g Roasted knee and belly, mustard, horseradish, bread
400g Gebratenes Knie und Bauch, Senf, Meerrettich, Brot
Oběd | Lunch | Mittagessen
200g Smažený vepřový řízek, šťouchané brambory s cibulkou
200g Fried pork schnitzel, mashed potatoes with onion
200g Gebratenes Schweinefleisch Steak, Kartoffelpüree mit Zwiebel
Večeře | Dinner | Abendessen
300g Pečené paličky na pivě, rýže
300g Baked chicken drumsticks on beer, rice
300g Gebackene Hühnerkeulen auf Bier, Reis
Oběd | Lunch | Mittagessen
300g Gyros v tortille se zeleninou, dressing
300g Gyros in a tortilla with vegetables, dressing
300g Gyros in einer Tortilla mit Gemüse, Dressing
Čočka na kyselo, 2ks vejce, okurek
Sour lentils, 2 pieces of egg, cucumber
Saure Linsen, 2 Eier, Gurke
180g Smažený květák, brambory, tatarka
180g Fried cauliflower, potatoes, tartar
180g Gebratener Blumenkohl, Kartoffeln, Sauce Tartar
Everyday can be ordered vegetarian food for lunch.
Jeden tag können vegetarisches Essen für das Mittagessen bestallt werden.
8 years
Experience in fishing competitions.
50 people
The number of people who take care of the running of the championship.
29,82 kg
The heaviest fish caught in the championship.