Teams register via thoroughly completed application forms which can be found on the championship website.The registration will begin on November 1, 2024. Applications sent prior this date will not be considered.
The organizer fully reserves the right to select teams which will compete at Stairs2Hell championship. The maximum number of competing teams is 100.
Teams can consist of three members at maximum. All team members have equal rights. One member can be added to a team whose responsibility would be to stream the championship. Such teams are obliged to inform the organizer by e-mail about the presence of this team member. The team will send this piece of information to the address info@stairs2hell.com no later than September 10, 2025. This member's participation is charged, see 2C. If a team changes a team member or team name after September 10, 2025, the team will pay EUR 90 for this and any subsequent change.
All team members must be over 18 years of age. An exception to this rule may be granted if the team submits the under-aged member´s legal representative´s approval to participate in a Stairs2Hell championship.
Teams that have been selected by the organizer will receive an e-mail confirmation of the team's classification on the championship start list.
A team that cancels its registration after paying the first part or the entire entry fee will pay a handling fee of EUR 90. Starting March 1, it is not possible to return the entry fee (deposit). However, it is possible to find a replacement team. After the new team pays the entry fee, the original team payment will be returned to the team reduced by the handling fee.
The entry fee for the Stairs2Hell 2025 championship is CZK 52,000 (2,150 EUR). The entry fee is the same for a team of two or three.
The first part of the entry fee CZK 30,000 (1,250 EUR) must be transferred to the organizer's bank account no later than 10 days from the confirmation date of the team's classification on the championship start list (1E).If the payment is not transferred to the organizer's account within 10 days after receiving the payment details, the team's registration will be cancelled and the participation will be offered to other teams.
The remaining part of the entry fee CZK 22,000 (900 EUR) must be transferred to the organizer's bank account no later than March 31, 2025. In case the entire entry fee is not paid on time, the team will be excluded from the championship without any right to refund the first part of the entry fee.
Payment for team member participation is due at registration. This participation is charged 170 EUR.
IBAN: CZ82 0300 0000 0002 7798 5965
Bank name: Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka (CSOB)
Bank account owner: European Carp Fishing Association s.r.o.
Please write the full team name given at the registration in the recipient message section.
Each team is obliged to park their vehicles in the marked central parking lot. When entering the central parking lot, teams draw the order of the peg draw.
The team parks all its vehicles strictly in the places marked with the number corresponding to the draw order.Then they move on foot to the entry registration itself (Strachotín municipal office).
The entry registration is not possible without drawing the order for the subsequent peg draw.
During the entry registration, teams are obliged to:
Submit the draw order to be checked.
Submit valid fishing licenses and permits for fishing at the Dyje 5 area (461 024) to be checked.
Check their contact details.
Sign agreement of personal data processing (GDPR).
Pick up GPS trackers and pay a refundable deposit for them.
All team members must be present at the entry registration. In case not all team members are present, the team is not allowed to register and the team will not be allowed to continue in the competition. An exception can only be granted in case of a proper apology to the email: info@stairs2hell.com. A team that neither properly registers nor apologizes in time will not be able to participate in the competition and the full amount of the entry fee will be forfeited to the organizer.
After arriving to the car park, teams draw the order in which they will go to the main peg draw. Any team member can draw. The team that does not arrive to the attendance check-in in time (after a proper apology) will draw from the remaining pegs after the official draw. It is not possible to change or trade the pegs with other teams.
It is strictly forbidden to leave or to move in any way at the chosen peg after the draw. A team caught present at the peg, will be issued a yellow card. If any team is caught on the water from October 4, 2025 until the start of the championship, on any part of the lake, the team will be excluded from the competition. Teams can depart for the particular pegs not earlier than on Saturday, October 4, 2025 at 3 pm (in an official convoy of vehicles).
The entire peg draw is streamed online on Youtube, Facebook or the Stairs2Hell Instagram. Teams can record their own footage, but it is not allowed to do so directly on the stage. The member who is recording, must stay below the stage.
Vehicles of all teams must be at 12 am the latest (October 4, 2025) in the central car park. From 2.30 pm, all vehicles will be conducted into a convoy. If any team disrupts this process by their late arrival or unannounced departure and the organizer does not find them in the car park, this team will be issued a yellow card.
The convoy schedule is available at the entry registration.
It is forbidden to arbitrarily leave the crown of the dam and drive a vehicle under it. If a team does so, it will be issued a yellow card.
The competitors lined up in columns will leave the crown of the dam on Saturday 4 October 2025 at 18.00 at the latest.
The pegs are marked with spray, a sign with the peg number and buoys on the lake (each buoy has its own GPS coordinates. If a team loses the buoy for any reason, the GPS coordinates that the team has listed in the team´s card apply). Each team will have one or two buoys ready in their fishing sector (according to the drawn position), which they must place on the specified GPS positions once the championship is started, no longer than one hour after the championship starts. Manipulating with the buoys is forbidden from October 5, 2025 from 3 pm (the time can be extended in case of a boat ban)! If the buoys are not placed on the water in time, the team will be issued a yellow card.
If the buoy is moved due to the weather conditions, it is possible to return it to the GPS coordinates, but only with the assistance of a marshal. In case of manipulating with the buoy without a marshal, the team will be issued a yellow card.
Only the organizing staff is allowed to enter the peg during the competition. Other competitors and visitors can enter the sector only with the permission of the team members. Teams are allowed to build up their accommodation (bivvy) or place rods throughout their whole peg (with the exception of waterworks, see 18B).
In case that hooked carp enters a neighbouring sector while being caught and the fishing lines of a neighbouring team becomes entangled, that team may lodge a written complaint. After the protest is recognized, the team's carp will not be counted. The complaint must be submitted immediately before an official record of the carp is made by the marshal in the report of catch.
Each team is obliged to take over their peg prior the championship starts. They confirm they have taken the peg over by their signature in the register to the head marshal. If a team finds out they have nowhere to catch, even if the peg has been taken over, this team will be excluded from the championship without any compensation.
In case that any team catches in another team´s peg, they will be excluded from the championship without any compensation. It is a duty of each team to make sure that they catch in the right peg. The organizer will provide all competitors with GPS coordinates, which precisely define their peg.
If a team deliberately or unintentionally leaves its fishing sector (while catching a fish or due to adverse weather conditions), it shall report this immediately to the championship referee. If they fail to do so and the Head Marshall only subsequently detects the abandonment from the GPS tracker (point 6G), a warning will be issued to the team. In the event of a repeated breach of this regulation, a yellow card will be issued.
Each competition day, 2 random teams will be drawn by the head marshall, these two teams will be checked what the rigs are concerned and the distances on which the rigs are laid on two selected rods. A randomly selected rod will be checked. If a violation of laing the rigs behind a marked sector is found out, or the team happens to be using unallowed rigs, such team will be issued a red card and will be excluded from the championship without any compensation.
Feeding outside the marked fishing territory is prohibited. A team found to be feeding outside its own peg, will be issued a red card and will be disqualified from the championship without any compensation.
Each team will receive 2 pieces of GPS trackers during their registration for a refundable deposit of CZK 6,000. After moving to the peg, teams place each tracker in the boat according to the marshals' instructions. The head marshal then seals the trackers as a part of the taking over of the peg before the championshipstarts. Only a boat with a sealed tracker may be used in the competition. In case of a boat change during the competition, the team is obliged to contact the head marshal, who will seal the tracker in the new boat again. At the end of the championship, the marshals will unseal the trackers.
Using the trackers, the head marshal monitors the boats positions during the championship. In case that one team lodges a complaint against reaching their sector boundary by another team, the recording of the boat's route from the tracker is decisive for assessing the legitimacy of the protest.
After the championship, the team will hand over both trackers as a part of the closing registration. If the tracker remains undamaged, the deposit will be refunded. Otherwise, the deposit will be reduced according to the damage extent of the tracker.
Only three heaviest carp are scored, from their weights the final sum is counted, which determines the order of the individual teams. (However, it is not absolutely necessary to catch three scoring carp. It is possible to win with one scoring carp if its weight is higher than the sum of the weights of three scoring carp of another team.) The carp is scored from 7 kilograms up. A special prize for "yield" will also be included in the competition in 2024. The sum of the weights of all scoring fish will be evaluated.
After catching scored carp, one of the members of the successful team contacts their marshal by a mobile phone. The marshal weighs the fish, takes a picture of the competitor with an official catch board, records the catch in the Mobile Fishing application and records the caught carp in the team´s card and the marshal´s card.The catch in the Mobile Fishing application and both the cards will be confirmed by the team member and the marshal with their signatures. Without notifying the marshal of the catch, the team must not manipulate with the rod on which the carp was caught (cast, bait) in any way. Each catch over 20 kg will be confirmed by a signature by a member of a neighboring team.
If a difference between the results in the competitor's card and the marshal´s card occurs, the marshal's card is authoritative and the competitor's card will not be taken into account.
If carp is hooked just before the end of the competition, there is 20 minutes limit after the competition to beat it and bring it ashore. If they do not make it by this time, this carp will not be included in the competition result.For any carp to be counted, the following requirements must be met:
a) Immediately after the bite, notify the marshal by SMS. Other forms of notification will not be taken into account. If the marshal is not being informed by 8:00 (end of the competition/horn), this carp will not be counted in the final results.
b) The carp must be caught and transported ashore by 8:20 am (the time of getting the carp ashore will be confirmed by the marshal by taking a photo). If the team does not manage to hit the shore by boat with the caught carp by 8:20, this carp will not be counted in the championship result.
A team with at least three fish officially recorded in their card are allowed to return smaller fish immediately to the water. This does not apply if the team catches carp weighing more than 15 kilograms. A yellow card will be issued to the team if a violation of this rule is found.
The competition adheres to the “catch and release” system. All caught fish must be returned to the Lake Novomlýnská as soon as possible.
Each team must have:
fishing pliers,
two landing nets,
at least two mats (one on shore, the other in each boat),
at least three carp sacks (only one carp can be placed in each sack),
weighted floating carp sack securing fish safety,
a low light-emitting light source (must be used for night fishing),
tripod for weighing fish,
each team member will have a valid fishing license and a valid permit for fishing at the Dyje 5 area (461 024).
Each team can use up to two boats (at least one team member must remain on the shore at all times). The boat must have a minimum length of 260 cm and must not be single-compartment. The maximum length of the boat can be 5.5 meters. Only rowing or using electric propulsion is allowed. Boat in waders in a boat are allowed.
Each boat must be fitted out during the whole championship with:
boatcheck indication,
a low light-emitting light source for night fishing (which must be used from dusk to dawn),
boat's horn (siren) - firmly attached to the ship,
a bucket for pouring water from the boat (must be firmly attached to the boat),
a tow rope, at least 5 meters long,
two oars,
a mat for safe fish transport to the shore,
a life-jacket for each team member complying with the EN 395, 396, 399 or EN 12402-5 standard. (Please note that FOX life-jackets have already lost their certification).
The marshals will check all the boats and their mandatory equipment prior the competition starts. Without a proper marshal´s check, boats are not allowed to be used for bottom mapping, feeding, baiting or beating fish, etc. If a team replaces the boat or any equipment that is a mandatory part of the boat during the competition (see Boatcheck), they are obliged to report it to their marshal, who will conduct a new inspection. A team failing to do so will be issued a yellow card.
Each team is individually responsible for being visible from all sides at night. If a marshal declares a boat as impossible to see for the whole duration of the team´s on-water activities, the team will be issued a yellow card.
A ban to use boats may be announced during the competition. This ban will be posted on the championship official website and on Facebook. It can be applied either to the whole lake or only to a specific sector.Competitors will also be informed about the ban by the marshals.
Competitors under the influence of alcohol or drugs are forbidden to use the boat!
The boat must always be firmly moored to the shore or pulled ashore to prevent it from spontaneous drifting. The organizer strongly recommends you to take a mat under the boat to avoid any damage on sharp stones. Alternatively, it is also possible to anchor the boat using a float.
If any problem occurs with a competitor afloat, they are obliged immidiately to draw attention to themselves with a horn or light. A teammate or any other competitor is obliged to notify promptly the championshipofficials. If it is utterly obvious that the competitor's life is in danger, also the Police and emergency services must be alerted without any delay (crisis numbers are to be found in the competitor's card). If they assess the situation properly and responsibly and feel capable of helping the competitor in danger, they can do so at their own risk and responsibility.
Teams consist of two or three members. One team can fish with 4 rods at maximum. In case any of the teams catches with more rods, the team will be immediately excluded from the championship without any compensation! Teams can also use the fifth and sixth rod, but only for spodding and markering.
Only competitors can camp, use boats and fish 24 hours a day, precisely and only during the competition.
11 C
Only rigs on each rod whose bait would be released if it is torn shall be permitted. A rig may contain only one rig and one hook. Barbed hooks are allowed.
It is FORBIDDEN to use drop lead bait. Instead, only natural stones may be used, (except for the stones from the dam), iron or concrete weights. Lead loads may only be used for casting or for fishing with "IN LINE" rigs.
The use of bait boats is FORBIDDEN.
Beating fish is allowed from a boat, ashore or from the water itself, but up to the waist deep the highest and 10 metres from the shore at maximum. In case of a lower water level, the marshal may allow a further distance.
Marking of the peg is allowed only with a pole buoy. Each team can use 4 pole buoys at maximum (they can be equipped with low light-emitting light sources). Any other means of marking the peg are prohibited.
Any forms of bottom mapping, feeding, baiting, etc. is allowed only after the competition is officially started.The permitted baiting distance is 500 meters. Both the echo sounders and GPS are allowed.
When using the boat, each competitor has the obligation to wear a life jacket. In case of violation of this regulation, the team will be issued a yellow card.
Each of the championship participants, including their companions, is obliged to behave carefully and respectfully towards nature and the fish caught! It is strictly forbidden to damage coastal vegetation in any way and to light fires other than in above-ground facilities (grill, stove). After the end of the competition, everyone is obliged to clean up the trash and take it away, or place it at the specified time at the collection point determined by the organizer.
Each team has the right to lodge an official protest if they suspect a violation of the championship rules, but not against the rules themselves. The protest must be submitted in a written form and immediately to the hands of the head marshal (preferably with some evidence material in the form of photographs or a video footage).Lodging a protest is charged with CZK 5,000, which is forfeited in favor of the organizer if the protest is not acknowledged. A protest submitted in any other form will not be considered and none of the marshals will deal with it. Protests are resolved by the protest committee.
Protest committee members: Head marshal, two marshals involved in the protest. Furthermore, the captain of the team that submitted the protest and the captain of the team to which the protest relates will be involved.Only these marshals decide the final verdict (an absolute majority wins). It is not possible to abstain.
Marshal reprimand - (e.g. for transporting carp in the boat without using a mat, failure to report leaving a sector on the boat to the marshall etc.) In case of the second reprimand, the team will be issued a yellow card.
A yellow card means that the penalized team must not neither have rods thrown for the next four hours, nor feed, nor map the bottom. If the penalized team is issued another yellow card during the competition, they are automatically issued a red card.
A red card means that the team is disqualified without any compensation and must leave their sector and the competition area immediately. The team results are cancelled.
A disqualified team must not participate in the Stairs2Hell championship for the next three years. If any of the competitors tries to bribe a marshal to influence the competition ranking, they will be excluded from the championship without any compensation, will never be able to participate in the Stairs2Hell championshipagain and all team members will be filed with a criminal complaint according to § 332 on bribery: Criminal Code - 40/2009 Coll.
Any marshal can decide to issue a yellow card. Only the head marshal can issue the red card.
Teams will leave the embankment after the end of the championship on Saturday, October 11, 2025 at 10:30 am the latest and will park their cars in the central parking lot. Subsequently, they move on foot to the closing registration itself.
It is a duty of each team to deregister from the championship. A team that does not deregister will not be able to participate in the next year of Stairs2Hell!
At the end of the championship, the team will hand in both GPS trackers during the closing registration. If the team returns the trackers undamaged, the deposit will be refunded in full. Otherwise, the deposit will be reduced according to the extent of damage.
As a part of the prize ceremony of the Stairs2Hell 2025 championship, there will be a draw for one free starting place for Stairs2Hell 2026. Only teams that properly deregister from the championship can participate in this draw. In case of being chosen, the full team, in which they participated in the championship, must take the prize.Ifthe drawn team is not complete, there will be another draw for a free starting place.
A team with the heaviest sum weight of three fish will be declared the winner of the competition. In case of a tie, the final ranking will be determined based on the weight of the heaviest single fish caught by the respective team. If this criterion does not provide the winner, the catch time of the first scoring carp will determine the order.
The sector winner will become the team that will have the heaviest sum weight of three fish caught in the particular sector (in case of equality of kilograms, the weight of the heaviest carp caught by the given team will be determing. If this criterion does not provide the winner, the catch time of the first scoring carp will determine the order.) However, if the team ranks among the top three scoring teams in the competition, the next team in the order becomes the winner of the sector. The prizes will also be awarded to the teams that will place 2ndand 3rd in each sector.
The heaviest carp winner will be the team that catches the heaviest carp during the entire competition. In case of a tie, the financial prize will be evenly divided.
A special prize for the so-called "yield" will be awarded to three teams with the heaviest sum weights of all scored fish.
However, if the team is placed in the first three places of the championship, the next team in the order becomes the winner of the "yield". Yield prize winners are also not eligible for sector prizes. These go to the next teams in the sector standings.
In case of equal sums of fish weights, the time of first caught scoring fish is decisive.
A special prize for the first fish scored will be awarded to the team that catches the first carp weighing more than 7kg.
In case of an earlier end of the championship due to force majeure, the organizer will set down the exact finish time and this time will be decisive for determining the final results of the championship.
The ceremonial act of awards will take place in the championship area. The winning teams will be announced in the following order - sectors, the winner of the “yield”, the heaviest fish of the championship, 3rd, 2nd, 1stplace. If the team does not show up when being called out, the ceremony will continue to announce the next winners.
Teams that do not take over prizes and financial cheques within the official ceremony, forfeit their prizes, including the financial cheques. Material prizes will then be forfeited to the following team in the ranking. Pardons from this rule can be granted in case of serious reasons for absence – death in the family, serious injury or illness. These cases would be considered by a committee formed by the championship officials.
Financial prizes will be transferred to the bank accounts which are provided by the winning teams to the organizer. These financial prizes will be paid out to teams by the end of December 2025 at a rate of 1 EUR / 24 CZK. The winning teams will receive cups and material prizes at the official ceremony.
The organizer reserves the right to modify the rules in case of an urgent need. All competitors express their agreement with these rules, which they confirm by paying the entry fee and their signatures at the registration.
It is strictly forbidden to remove stones on the embankment of the dam or to use them to fasten the bivvy, etc. It is also forbidden to damage the concrete embankment with nails, pins, etc. If any of these offenses will be detected, a fine will be imposed to the team, to what extent will be determined by Povodí Moravy Sp.
If the championship is not fulfilled completely, the amount of prizes will be adjusted according to the number of entering teams, see 18D. If the championship is cancelled due to a governmental regulation or other decision of state administration body (Covid 19, etc.), we are entitled to reimbursement of costs associated with the preparation of the championship in the amount of 60% of the starting fee, 40% of the total amount paid will be refunded to the competitors. By paying the first part of the entry fee, teams agree to all the conditions of the Stairs2Hell 2024, the payment system and the cancellation policy. Alongside, they agree with the amount of costs associated with the preparation of the championship in 60% of the starting fee.
In case the championship capacity is not fully occupied, the financial prizes will abide by the following scheme. Other prices remain unchanged.
Number of teams / 1st place / 2nd place / 3rd place
60 teams / 12.000 EUR / 6.000 EUR / 3.000 EUR
75 teams / 15.000 EUR / 7.500 EUR / 4.000 EUR
90 teams / 18.000 EUR / 9.000 EUR / 4.000 EUR
100 teams / 20.000 EUR / 10.000 EUR / 5.000 EUR
If any team member violates the public order (aggressive behaviour, attacking other participants, disturbing night's peace and quiet, etc.) in the championship area or anywhere in the pegs, the whole team will be immediately expelled from the championship without any compensation and is obliged to leave promptly.
All participants of the Stairs2Hell championship participate at their own risk and the organizer does not take any responsibility for any harm. All participants confirm that they have been acknowledged with the championship conditions, with its location and are obliged to provide themselves with protective equipment in order to prevent possible accidents or drowning.
Professional cameramen and photographers will be present throughout the event. All participants are obliged to be fully available and meet their requirements. By signing the registration, the competitors give their consent to make records of them without the right of any remuneration and they agree to use this material for commercial purposes.